Monday, August 4, 2014

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the Adekon Publishing blog. To give you just a quick idea of what to expect, this blog is going to be primarily devoted to the development of writers and their craft. We're not going to be a news blog for what's happening in Adekon, although some of that might pop up here and there if deemed helpful in one way or another to our central theme. It's about writing, writers and whatever parts of the industry we can hook you up with.
We're going to be trying our best to make sure our blog entries occur weekly (every Tuesday), and hopefully we'll stick to that plan as rigorously as we can. That will not stop us from throwing in a few special entries here and there when deemed relevant, whether to competitions, writing workshops, or others.
So, enjoy the blog, make sure to keep checking in, and give us as much feedback as you can so we can make sure you are thoroughly catered to.

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